Monday, August 8, 2011

Music Beta Invites Contest

Hello everyone! If you are like me and love your music then I have some great news for you! Google has a newish service called music beta. What it does is sync all your music to all your devices! I have a laptop and an android phone. I can play my music whenever and wherever! ( you do need to install the app on your phone and the tiny program on your computer.)  Anyway, I was looking at my music beta account and was reminded  that I still have invites to give out to people. I have 3 to give out. So I am holding a contest! Tell me what music means to you. Reply on twitter by using #musicinvites  The top 3 entries will win the invites! Good Luck and enjoy your music!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Revival of a blog

Hi all, I have not written here in a long time. I have decided to move my applified reviews here. I am so busy that editing app review videos is not possible right now but I can type fast and still get my reviews to you! The same ratings will apply and I will have the poll for next weeks's app. I will try to make this blog as fun as the videos! So enjoy!